I know! I've been a slacker when it comes to updating our blog. We had such a busy summer with all three kids birthdays, football and cheer...there's lots to catch up on!! Hopefully I won't wait so long to post next time...So here's some of what we have been up to...
Colin's 2nd Birthday!
The morning of Colin' s party Lucas was just getting home from work. We were all standing out in the front yard, Colin ran over to his truck to greet him, got distracted and grabbed the hot exhaust pipe and burnt his whole hand. He healed up fine, but had to wear a bandage for a few days. Poor baby!
49er's Football and Cheer!
I love this picture of my boys. It was taken at the last game. Lucas really enjoyed coaching again this year and looking forward to next!!
Haley cheering her little heart out at the game!
Here's Ryan's game and Haley cheering... I love having both my kiddo's out there!
All huddled up listening to coach Cody...he was a great coach! He looked alot like Lucas, you had to look twice to make sure who was who!
Ryan was a skeleton afro guy??, Haley was a punk rocker girl, and Colin was a little pirate!
All the cousins lined up at Grandma's before trick or treating....Brenna wasn't there yet, but she was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! (So cute)
The kids goofing around!
Haley singing away and Ryan sneaking up on her to scare her! lol

Happy Halloween!! :)
Haley's Cheer Competition!
Haley's cheer squad competed in the City Championships at the TCC this last weekend. There was 15 groups of her same age group and her squad placed 3rd!!! They did so good!
They get judged on alot...not just on the routine, but from their uniforms, to their hair, to crowd participation. They all loved having their hair pieces in! :)
Haley and Reese! BFF's! :)
Alot of the the football players came out to support the cheerleaders on their day! So cool! We had a really good turn out!
My pretty little cheerleader!
2009 group picture!
She's looking through her goodie bag her coach gave her at the lunch break.
Here's a picture of Haley and the girls during their routine...
Haley's Cheer Competition!
At the bottom, you can see the table of all the judges lined up. There was about 15-20 judges!!
...At the end of the day her coach gave Haley the "spirit stick" which is given out at the end of every game to who ever gave it her all...Haley was the one to get it at competition. I was so proud of her!